Business Environment is becoming increasingly competitive. Candidates compete for limited opportunities in job markets. Companies like to hire people, who have functional knowledge of their desired area of operation. Therefore, it becomes very important for you to equip yourself with specialized knowledge in the areas of your interest in addition to the general Management or Post Graduation.
Learning is an act of acquiring new or modifying/reinforcing existing knowledge that may happen on/during job for many people, who choose areas like Business Development, Human Resource Managementand Operations, but not in case of Finance.In Finance, it is essential to have prior knowledge of Fundamental Concepts to be able to absorb on job. For instance, if you do not know what Equity or Debt or Derivatives are, then youmight face difficulties in on-the-job learning at your work place. Therefore, to support knowledge on specialized subjects, we have put together several certificate programmes for Management and Post Graduate students. These programmes aim at providing hands on practical knowledge on various subjects by practitioners in a fun loving manner to enhance job securing capabilities for the students.
While below is the list of some indicative programmes, we would be happy to co-design specialized programmes with your school to truly make an impact:
Comprehensive progrmame on Financial Markets
Introduction to Derivatives
Advance programme on Derivatives
Financial Modelling for Decision Making
Behavioral Finance and Value Investing
Workshop on Business Valuation and Investments
Connecting the dots of Macro Economics
Practical Aspects of Fundamental Analysis
Way to Financial Freedom
Fundamental Analysis is the foundation of investing. To have an integrated view of a business, one has to understand both qualitative and quantitative dimensions of it along with its valuation. Further, Fundamental Analysis may be undertaken to buy a business, to sell a business, for credit decision or to invest partly as investor. It may also be undertaken by the business itself to understand its strengths and weaknesses. It can be compared with health check-up of a business.
Accordingly, this programme is crafted carefully to provide hands-on practical dimensions of Fundamental Analysis to the programme participants.
This course opens opportunities for the participants in following areas:
Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds, Private Equity, Venture Capital
Fundamental Analysis, Business Valuation, Equity and Bond Valuations
Relationship management, Investment Advisory, Distribution of various financial products
M&A specialist, Business Valuation, Equity and Enterprise Valuation
Course Contents:
Which company to initiate research on – How to put an initiation criterion?
How to start Fundamental Analysis – Start to end in a practical manner
Where to look for required information – Various sources of information
Important considerations in Financials – Profit and Loss account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flows
How organizations color financials
Analysis of quality of business in the past through quantitative lenses
Profitability ratios
Return ratios
Leverage ratios
Liquidity ratios
Efficiency ratios
Peeping into future with caution
Importance of Capital Structure
Live demonstration of some great, good and bad businesses based on above ratios
Traits of Great businesses
History of some corporate actions – Dividend, Bonus Issue, Share Split, Buy back etc.
Difference between Price and Value
Why Valuations are required
Sources of Value in a Business – Earnings and Assets
Discounted Cash Flows model for Business Valuation
Absolute Valuations vs. Price-Value sense
Dividend Yield – Price to Dividend Ratio
Earning Yield - Price to Earning Ratio
Growth adjusted Price to Earning Ratio (PEG Ratio)
Enterprise Value (Value of equity + Value of Debt – excess cash in the B/S) to EBDITA Ratio
Enterprise Value (EV) to Sales Ratio
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) based valuation – Enterprise Value (EV) to Capital
Employed Ratio
Return on Equity (ROE) based valuation – Equity Price to Equity Book Value Ratio
Net Asset Value approach
Relative Valuations - Trading and Transaction Multiples
Sum-Of-The-Parts (SOTP) Valuation
Other Valuation Parameters in new age economy and businesses
Objectivity of Valuations
Some important considerations in the context of Business Valuation
Checklist based approach to investing
Case Study - Preparation of a sample checklist on a business of choice
A sample checklist for Investment/Disinvestment Decisions
How to put the information together in the form of report - Checklist based approach to Fundamental Analysis
Preparation of a Fundamental Analysis report on a business of choice
2 days to 4 days (Contents to be customized as per the chosen tenor and requirements).
Oxymoron it may sound but it’s a fact that “We work for money” and “Money works for us”. While every one of us would understand first part, only a few realize and harness the potential of second part. Most of us slog throughout our lives rarely paying attention to the latter part - “how money works for us and makes us free”. The entire academic system and professional colleges strive hard to equip their students with knowledge of “How to earn” but rarely do they pay attention to impart knowledge on the latter part. Little wonder that there is significant ignorance on the subject.
Fact is that every one of us wants to be rich. We all want to live a life of our dreams. However, this is not possible until we are financially free. Interestingly, financial freedom is to be earned by most of us (a few are lucky enough to be born with silver spoon).
What is the step by step methodology to accomplish that objective.How to put an action plan in place and execute that seamlessly? Age old basic principles of money, forgotten by people, would be the theme of this programme.
Idea is to make people think on their own behavior with regard to money and mend that to accomplish what they truly deserve.
This course opens opportunities for the participants in following areas:
Business Development, Relationship Management, Financial Analyst.
Risk Management, Investment Advisory.
Business Development jobs in Portfolio Management and Mutual Funds.
Fundamental Analysis.
Course Contents:
Overview of Key Excel Functions
Customizing Worksheets
Important features to be looked into the financial modeling
Check-list for building up financial model
Earning, spending, saving, investing, assets, liabilities, risks
Several games on money to understand common mistakes we commit with money
Buy what is right not what is looking attractive or sold hard
Putting action plan in place
As a machine to build wealth. It is not a speculation ground.
Money loves discipline and patience
How rich people really become rich; what does richness mean
1 day to 2 days (Contents to be customized as per the chosen tenor and requirements).
This programme aims at providing participants with a thorough understanding of how to build a robust Financial Model from start to finish. Model to cover revenues, operating and maintenance costs, capital expenditure, depreciation, debt and equity financing and taxation, leading to integrated financial statements for the entity in question. The model to also provide an ability to run different scenarios and adjust the timing of key events. During the course, participants will also gain an insight into how to tailor the outputs of the model to end users, interpret the results and run sensitivities, as well as perform some degree of testing to reduce the incidence of modeling errors.
The course is highly interactive, comprising of a mix of theory, group discussions, instructor-led demonstrations and Excel-based exercises for participants to undertake.
This course opens opportunities for the participants in following areas:
Project planning, Project financing
Project financing, Valuation
Risk Management, Research Analyst
Big data crunching and data analytics
Risk Management, Investment Advisory, Valuations
Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds
Fundamental Analysis, Business Valuations, Equity Valuation, Debt Valuations and Restructuring
Course Contents:
Overview of Key Excel Functions
Customizing Worksheets
Important features to be looked into the financial modeling
Check-list for building up financial model
Value of Money
Discussion on Interest rates
Linkages between Time Value of Money and application of the same in the financial modeling
Preparation of Financial Statements – P/L, B/S and cash flows
Financial Analysis using Ratios
Discussion on the techniques of Project Evaluation
Discussion on calculation of IRR and NPV methods of evaluation
Pitfalls of IRR
Valuation of stocks (dividend growth model)
Valuation of stocks using DCF analysis
Two Stage Growth Model
Three Stage Growth Model
Calculating Enterprise value
Goal Seek for Backward Working
Scenario Analysis
Single Variable Sensitivity Analysis
Two Variable Sensitivity Analysis
2 days to 3 days (Contents to be customized as per the chosen tenor and requirements).
Derivatives, having made humble beginning in year 2000, have made significant progress in terms of product range (available on various asset classes – Equities, Commodities, Currencies and Interest Rates) and volume in Indian Securities Market (~$100 Billion each day). Market participants may use derivatives to either hedge or speculate/trade in various underlings.
Today, Derivatives market volumes are several times that of the cash market volumes on Stock Exchanges. Both, Over-the-counter and Exchange Traded Products are continuously expanding their horizons. These products are touching almost all walks of life. It has become extremely essential for market participants to understand these products and their usage/applications to create value in their respective areas of operations.
This course opens opportunities for the participants in following areas:
Derivatives Dealer, Business Development, Mid office operations, Compliance function, Derivatives Analyst
Trading, Clearing and Settlement of Derivative products
Risk Management, Investment Advisory
Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds, Compliance
Technical Analysis and Analytics on Derivatives Data, Pricing of Derivative Products, Financial Modelling
Course Contents:
Introduction to derivatives (Across the underlying assets – Commodity, Rates, Foreign Currency, Equity etc.)
Need for derivatives
Types of derivatives (Forward, Futures, Options, swaps etc.)
Over-the-counter (OTC) Vs. Exchange Traded Products
Participants in the derivatives market (Hedgers, Speculators, Arbitrageurs)
Contract specifications
Concept of basis, mark to market, Tick size, Types of orders
Settlement types - Cash v/s Physical settlement
Open interest and Trading volumes
Competitive advantages between forward and futures contracts
Trading, Hedging and Arbitrage with futures
Various types of options (Calls, Puts, American, European, Bermuda, Asian, Knock-In, Knock-Out, Digital/Binary etc.)
Participants in options market (writer/seller, buyer)
Strike price, ATM, OTM & ITM options
Premium, intrinsic value, time value of options
Settlement mechanism of options
Pay-off profiles of various kind of options and views behind each option position
Settlement at expiry, exercise of options and exit through squaring off/reversing the transactions
Computation of settlement price
Trading and hedging using options for commodity, FX and interest rates
Usage of options for various views (bullish, bearish, neutral views) and analysis of each position
2 days to 3 days (Contents to be customized as per the chosen tenor and requirements).
Economics is a very complicated subject. In this ever increasingly inter-linked world, small changes in one part of the world may affect the other parts of the world significantly. Further, Economics has primarily been a trial and error subject without specific answers to the questions. Behavioral dimension of people puts added layer of complexity to the already complex subject. Accordingly, Economists and Central Bankers, across the world, have always had a daunting task in front of them – How to move ahead.
It is important for everyone in business to understand big dots in economics and how to connect them at broad level to see the big picture and potential possibilities – both on positive side and negative side. With that objective in mind, this programme has been carefully crafted to add value to each participant, irrespective of the business stream, he/she comes from.
Course Contents:
Inflation, interest rates, impact of rates on Demand and Supply Currencies, imports and exports, current account imbalances, flow of forex to the country (portfolio investments, FDI, foreign borrowings etc.), gold reserve and FX reserve with central bankers
Monetary policy parameters and applications
Fiscal policy and tools, Fiscal deficit and ways to finance
Impact of oil prices on the economy, oil subsidies and government financials, controlled fuel prices (Politics vs. Economics)
Management of conflicting objectives in economies (growth vs. inflation, growth vs. rates), capitalist vs. socialistic approach, increasing inequalities among people and social consequences etc.
Genesis of Euro crisis (what happens when there is monetary union without fiscal union)
Long term repercussions of printing currency in US
Long term repercussions of negative interest rates in Europe
China and management of its currency (how the world gets affected because of Chinese currency policy of not letting it appreciate against USD; why don’t they let it appreciate etc.)
Valuation parameters and various approaches to valuation
Absolute level of index vs. valuations
Valuation of Index vs. Valuation of independent businesses
How greed and fear operate in the market
Lessons from great masters like Benjamin Graham, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett
Behavioral dimension of market
This programme is meant for middle level team leaders with experience of 5-10 years. Participants from different functions including Sales/Marketing, Technology, Human Resource, Operations, Administration would benefit from this programme.
This programme would be delivered in hands-on, simple, interactive, engaging and case studies manner. Role of facilitator would be to let the group discover new horizons of thought process to create value in the business.
1 day to 2 days (Contents to be customized as per the chosen tenor and requirements).
Financial Markets are backbone of any Economy and importance of a robust Financial Markets can hardly be overemphasized for any growing or grown up economy. There are many facets of Financial Markets – Variety of markets, spectrum of products, range of institutions serving different purposes, regulatory mechanism to ensure competitive and transparent business landscape and host of terminologies.
As everyone in the economy is linked to money in some way, it is responsibility of each individual to understand broad structure of Financial Markets. Having understood the basics, if excited, these markets can offer you wonderful opportunity to apply your intellect and be part of it. Otherwise, basic knowledge of Financial Markets would always be a competitive advantage to you anyway!
This is an introductory programme to the world of Financial Markets. If followed subsequently with enhanced knowledge packs, this course opens opportunities for the participants in following areas:
Dealer, Business Development, Mid office, Compliances, Analyst
Trading, Clearing and Settlement of Derivative products
Risk Management, Investment Advisory
Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds, Private Equity
Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis and Analytics
Front office, Mid office or Back office jobs
Course Contents:
Introduction to various markets - Money Market and Capital Market, Primary Market and Secondary Market, Cash Market and Derivatives Market, Exchange Traded and Over-the-counter Market, Public Market vs. Private Market
Efficiency parameters of Financial Markets – liquidity, ease of transaction, cost of transactions, simplicity etc.
Equity, Preference Shares, Debentures/Debt, Convertible bonds, Commercial papers, Bill discounting, Factoring, Derivatives – Equity, Commodities, Currencies, Rates etc.
Stock Exchanges, Stock Brokers, Mutual Funds, Depositories and Depository Participants, Registrar and Share Transfer Agents (RTAs), Venture Capital/Private Equity Firms, Banks, Specialized Financial Institutions such as Nabard, NBFCs, Credit Rating Agencies, Portfolio Management firms, Underwriters etc.
Trading, clearing and settlement, margins, bid-offers, market capitalization, liquidity, volatility etc. Concept of indices and their relevance
Corporate actions - Public issues, Rights issues, Offer for sale, Listing of securities, Stock split, Bonus, Dividend, Buy back, Delisting etc.
Securities and Exchange Board of India, Reserve Bank of India, Ministry of Finance, various Self Regulatory Organizations (SROs)
3 days to 5 days (Contents to be customized as per the chosen tenor and requirements).
Most of us have heard about people like Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Walter Schloss etc. and some of us, for sure, have desire to emulate those footprints. Indeed, these investors think very differently from that of crowd even on basic dimensions of investing – be it objective of investments, risks in investments, expensive or cheap stocks, valuations, projections etc.
This programme is carefully crafted to share thought-process and mind-set of some of the world’s greatest investors. Along with the general Value Investing Philosophy, real time investment opportunities in India (specific cases/situations of Value Investing) would be discussed with the programme participants.
This course opens opportunities for the participants in following areas:
Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds, Private Equity, Venture Capital.
Fundamental Analysis, Business Valuation, Equity and Bond Valuations.
Relationship management, Investment Advisory, Distribution of various financial products.
Course Contents:
Economic models are incapable of explaining Behavioral dimension of people. While economics is based on rationality, Behavioral finance is based on emotions. It is interesting to explore the way people take decisions under influence of behavior and not rationality.
Behavioral patterns of market participants are well researched and documented. This session will cover some of those emotional disorders of human nature and link those to markets.
All value investors think alike. Value investing is a philosophy, a concept that needs to be understood in most simple manner. This topic will cover basics of value investing concepts.
Fancy valuation models are being used by market participants today. Value investing believes that it is sheer wastage of time to project future that too in number terms. Then, valuing businesses using the excel is more manipulative in nature than anything else. Accordingly, Value investing uses its own simple ways of valuing businesses. This topic will address those simple ways of valuing businesses.
Great businesses have certain characteristics, defined as moats or competitive advantages. This session would discuss some of those common characteristics of great businesses.
Great Value Investors are also alike. They do lots of common things. This topic will address some of the characteristics of these great value investors.
1 day to 2 days (Contents to be customized as per the chosen tenor and requirements).
As Most of us don’t really think that investing is a dedicated full time business and practice investing as hobby, results are as usual painful. Another interesting point in investing world is excessive use of Excel to build valuation models, which may not make any sense beyond satisfying some documentation need of a banker or a potential investor. Indeed, these valuation models are more manipulated outputs (under some baseless assumptions) to accomplish specific objectives and have relatively lesser relevance in real life.
To highlight all these points, this unique programme is carved out for actual seekers of Investing and Valuation knowledge and wisdom.
This course opens opportunities for the participants in following areas:
Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds, Private Equity, Venture Capital.
Fundamental Analysis, Business Valuation, Equity and Bond Valuations.
Relationship management, Investment Advisory, Distribution of various financial products.
M&A specialist, Business Valuation, Equity and Enterprise Valuation.
Course Contents:
What is investing?
Application of Behavioral Finance to investing
History of Business Vs. Future of Business
Approach to investing/disinvesting - Journey from Quantity to quality to quantity
Important considerations in Financials – Profit and Loss account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flows
How organizations color financials
Analysis of quality of business in the past through quantitative lenses
Profitability ratios
Return ratios
Leverage ratios
Liquidity ratios
Efficiency ratios
Peeping into future with caution
Importance of Capital Structure
Live demonstration of some great, good and bad businesses based on above ratios
Traits of Great businesses
History of some corporate actions – Dividend, Bonus Issue, Share Split, Buy back etc.
Difference between Price and Value
Why Valuations are required
Sources of Value in a Business – Earnings and Assets
Discounted Cash Flows model for Business Valuation
Absolute Valuations vs. Price-Value sense
Dividend Yield – Price to Dividend Ratio
Earning Yield - Price to Earning Ratio
Growth adjusted Price to Earning Ratio (PEG Ratio)
Enterprise Value (Value of equity + Value of Debt – excess cash in the B/S) to EBDITA Ratio
Enterprise Value (EV) to Sales Ratio
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) based valuation – Enterprise Value (EV) to Capital
Employed Ratio
Return on Equity (ROE) based valuation – Equity Price to Equity Book Value Ratio
Net Asset Value approach
Relative Valuations - Trading and Transaction Multiples
Sum-Of-The-Parts (SOTP) Valuation
Other Valuation Parameters in new age economy and businesses
Objectivity of Valuations
Some important considerations in the context of Business Valuation
Checklist based approach to investing
Case Study - Preparation of a sample checklist on a business of choice
A sample checklist for Investment/Disinvestment Decisions
Important learning’s from Great Investment Managers across the world
Traits of great investors
2 days to 3 days (Contents to be customized as per the chosen tenor and requirements).
This Course is extension of Basic Derivatives Programme. While Basic programme on Derivatives exposed you to the fundamentals and conceptual parts of derivatives, this course is expected to equip you with a lot more in terms of strategies, to hedge and/or trade with Derivatives. Various Strategies with Futures and Options would be discussed in Detail. Course also covers the risks in Derivatives and how to handle them.
Another dimension of this course would be to have exposure to Structured Products, which are becoming increasingly popular both in India and Offshore. These new generation products are linked to various asset classes including Equity, Commodities, Currencies, and Rates etc. These products have embedded derivatives and offer multiple choices to both manufacturers and investors. This course is a must if you desire to enter into space of Financial Products Structuring.
This course opens opportunities for the participants in following areas:
Derivatives Dealer, Business Development, Mid office operations, Compliance function, Derivatives Analyst, Derivatives strategist, Product Structuring and Risk Management
Trading, Clearing and Settlement of Derivative products
Risk Management, Investment Advisory
Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds, Private Equity, Compliance
Technical Analysis and Analytics on Derivatives Data, Pricing of Derivative Products, Financial Modelling
Business Development, Structuring Desk, Risk Management
Course Contents:
Differentiation between uncertainty and risk
Types/sources of risk (market, credit, operational, liquidity, leverage etc)
Approach to risk management
Basic principles of risk management
Risk Management experience with Indian and Global corporates
Best practices in risk management
Value creation through risk management
Introduction to derivatives (Across the underlying assets – Commodity, Rates, Foreign Currency, Equity etc.)
Need for derivatives
Types of derivatives (Forward, Futures, Options, swaps etc.)
OTC Vs. Exchange Traded Products
Participants in the derivatives market (Hedgers, Speculators, Arbitrageurs)
Contract specifications
Concept of basis, mark to market, Tick size, Types of orders
Settlement types - Cash v/s Physical settlement
Open interest and Trading volumes
Competitive advantages between forward and futures contracts
Trading, Hedging and Arbitrage with futures
Various types of options (Calls, Puts, American, European, Bermuda, Asian, Knock-In, Knock-Out, Digital/Binary etc.)
Participants in options market (writer/seller, buyer)
Strike price, ATM, OTM & ITM options
Premium, intrinsic value, time value of options
Settlement mechanism of options
Pay-off profiles of various kind of options and views behind each option position
Settlement at expiry, exercise of options and exit through squaring off/reversing the transactions
Computation of settlement price
Trading and hedging using options for commodity, FX and interest rates
Usage of options for various views (bullish, bearish, neutral views) and analysis of each position
Risk identification and measurement (both active and passive excesses)
Segregation of front and back office functions
Concept of Value at Risk
Methods of risk control (Position limits, Margins/Collateral based trades, Operating Procedures and systems etc.)
Computation of margins like Initial margin, MTM etc.
Construction of structured products
Terminology in structured products
Risks in structured products
Examples of Equity, Commodity and Currency linked structured products
Existing regulatory provisions on Derivatives
Discussion on philosophy behind various regulatory provisions
2 day to 3 days (Contents to be customized as per the chosen tenor and requirements).
Address :
Value Ideas Investment Services Pvt. Ltd.
301/Wing A, Golden Rays, Raheja Vihar, Powai, Mumbai – 400072, INDIA.
© 2016 Xcelerating Minds. All rights reserved. | Designed & Developed By TechnoBase IT Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Sunil brings to the team 35 years of SME business, legal, taxation and real estate experience. He is also an investor both in listed and unlisted space businesses. His common sense approach to legal, taxation and business issues is always a great value creator for business.
He has done SME Programme from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He also holds Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Mumbai University.
He can be reached at
Manish brings to team over 20 years of experience in diverse fields including Investment Banking and consulting (SME Value Advisors), listed space investing (Jeetay Investments Pvt. Ltd., India), sales and business development (Citibank, India), regulatory (Securities and Exchange Board of India – SEBI, India) and business analysis (Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India – ICFAI, India). Diversity in his experience imparts him with great ability to structure issues and synthesize potential solutions in any given business situation.
He has done his M.S. in Business Administration from University of Maryland, U.S. He also holds other degrees like MBA, CFA and Licentiate in General Insurance.
He has been sharing knowledge continuously from different platforms such as Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE), Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), Dun and Bradstreet (DnB), Credit Rating and Information Services India Ltd. (CRISIL) and various industry bodies like FICCI, ASSOCHAM, CII etc. He also serves as visiting faculty to prestigious Institutes including Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai and several others. In addition, he has several publications to his credit.
He can be reached at
Athithya brings with six years of experience providing exemplary support in IT industries. Consummate multi-tasker who can balance competing and shifting priorities with ease. In span for 6 years worked for multinational to Start-ups Company. Expertise in digital marketing as well as Business Development and helped 50+ start-ups to gain brand in market place.
She earned her Master of Business Administration from Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu. Her responsibility here includes enhancing the training and programmes as well as increase the brand awareness to various educational sectors.
She can be reached at
Chaitri brings 2 years of mixed bag experience in investment banking & marketing. She is a team player, a multi tasker & can manage priorities in time with ease. She has earned her Bachelors & Master’s degree in Financial Markets from Mumbai University & IGNOU’s affiliation with Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE) simultaneously. Her role at Xcelerating minds involves conducting training programmes & enhancing brand awareness within the corporate sector.
Ranjana Bang brings 2 year experience in marketing, worked with Computer Institutes - Tata Unisys and NIIT as marketing executive. She had done graduation in Science and M B A in marketing from Marathwada University Aurangabad. She had also done 1 year diploma in Computer software.
She can be reached at
Parag is a graduate in Bachelor of Commerce with Masters in Business Administration in marketingand is based in Mumbai. He is a seasoned professional with experience of over 30 years in Sales, Marketing and General Management: largely in the Office Automation, Risk Management, Consulting, Research& Credit Rating Industries. Parag has workedwith reputed institutions in their startup phase and was a key member of various teams set up tonurture the companies towards sustainability. These companies include: Xerox Corp (earlier known as Modi Xerox Ltd), RPG Ricoh Ltd,Dun& Bradstreet India & SMERA Ratings Ltd.
Further, Parag played a pivotal role at Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) in India & the Middle East by setting up its sales division for Risk Management, Researchas well as Advisory practice with a career spanning over 14 years with them. Before joining his latest firm: Equentis Wealth Advisory Services, where Parag was instrumental in setting up investment as well as research divisions & procuring SEBI license, he was a CEO of SMERA Ratings Ltd (a joint venture of SIDBI//D&B and various banks) with an eventful career spanning 6 years at the helm. During this stint at SMERA, Parag managed to convert a loss making business to a profit making & a dividend paying company.
In the process of building these companies from a startup phase, Parag has learnt the most difficult art in management: building and managing companies to a sustainable phase.Creating and training sales teams has been Parag’s key skill set acquired during his career spanning over 30 years.
For Parag, who is steeped in legendary RankXerox’s sales & other variant of its trainingregimen (also consultative training skills from Dun & Bradstreet), training comes naturally to him.Paragbelieves in creation of high performance and ownership driven teams wanting to contribute to thebest of their capabilities.In all the companies that he has worked in the leadership position since RPG Ricoh, he was instrumental in developing strong leaders within his team who occupy key positions in various firms. Parag’s successful stint at the firms mentioned above stems from his keen eye in spotting talent, nurturing them and imbuing them with team spirit to achieve company goals. He is a firm believer in building cohesive culture striking balance in performance, rewards, ethics& accountability.
During his 20 years with Dun & Bradstreet and SMERA Ratings Ltd experience, Parag has presented to domestic as well as international audience comprising of bankers, regulators, credit guarantors, various industry associations, exporters, International multilateral & govt. agencies thus exposing him to multifarious audiences, thereby honing his presentation skills to suit his audiences. Thus, amongst various skills, strong presentation skill is one of Parag’s key professional strength acquired while working in the corporate set up.
Parag is married with 2 children and resides in Thane.
Murali brings to the team more than 25 years of illustrious experience in the field of Finance, Accounts, Taxation, Legal and Corporate Finance. His fields of expertise are project finance, working capital management, audits, taxation both direct & indirect taxation, compliance and due diligence (s), secretarial and corporate law matters. In-depth understanding of business issues and eyes for details make him a great resource for team.
His academic record is quite exemplary with high ranks in all the professional examinations such as CWA, CA, CS, M.Com, LLB and MBA (project finance).
He can be reached at
Rajesh brings to the team around 20 years of extensive experience in the industry including over 10 years in Asset Management and Investment Advisory. He is currently an Investment Consultant to a large family office based in Dubai, UAE. Previous to that he was associated with “Credit Suisse, Dubai” as an External Fund Advisor to provide non-discretionary Investment Advisory and Portfolio counselling services to High Net-worth Individuals. Rajesh also worked with Lucros Capital Advisors Limited – A DFSA regulated Hedge Fund as Head – Research and Esvee Capital, a proprietary Fund owned by a large family office in UAE as Sr. Equity Analyst. He has extensive experience in setting up regulated GP and fund structures in Dubai (DFSA) and Cayman Islands/Mauritius; his key competency areas are equity research, data analysis with an understanding of business requirements in various international environments and he is well versed with regulatory requirements for financial services in different geographies such as India, UAE, Cayman Islands, and Mauritius.
He is a Chartered Accountant (ACA) and has Executive MBA degree from NMIMS, Mumbai.
He can be reached at
Sheetal brings to the team more than 10 years of general administration, project management and marketing experience. Over the years, she has been working with start-ups and involved in Strategy formulation and business development. Also, over last 5 years, she has been associated with ShreenathjiDyanda Charitable Trust (SDCT) as Committee Member and administrator at SDCT’s Technical Institute.
She earned her Bachelor’s in Pharmacy from Pune University and Post Graduate Diploma in Pharmacy Management (PGDPM) from SIES College of Management Studies, Mumbai.
She can be reached at
Dr. Abhijit is Director at Giltedge Financial Counsel Pvt. Ltd.He brings with him more than 30 years of experience in consulting and strategic management with specific focus on new business initiatives. He has worked in senior positions with Indian subsidiaries of two global investment banks, served on the board of a leading co-operative bank, spent time with manufacturing and consulting sectors in a wide variety of interesting engagements. Understanding of business issues and eyes for details make him a great resource on Financial Modeling and Business Valuation, end to end structuring and integration in Mergers and Acquisitions, setting up internal procedures and operations in businesses etc.
His academic record is quite exemplary with high ranks in all the professional examinations such as CWA, CA, CS and CFA. He was recently awarded a PhD by IIT Bombay for his pioneering work on ‘Factors influencing investments into Indian states’.
He has been sharing his experience through executive education engagements, delivered through various platforms including Dun & Bradstreet, CRISIL, Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay, Giltedge Financial Counsel Pvt. Ltd. and several other esteemed organizations.
Dr. Anil Menon brings with him more than twenty years of experience in the field of Financial Services & Investment Banking. He is known for his skills on Financial Modeling, Business Valuations, Mergers and Acquisitions and issues in Family Managed Businesses (FMBs). His tenure as Assistant Vice President at SBI Capital Markets Ltd., a premier investment bank in India, has equipped him with necessary investment banking competencies. He is also closely associated with Family Managed Business (FMB) program at S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai.
His academic qualifications include Bachelors in Production Engineering from Mumbai University, Master of Management Studies (MMS) from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies and doctorate in Mergers and Acquisitions.
He is a sought after speaker and shares his knowledge from various prestigious platforms on Financial Markets and Investments. He has conducted customized training on Corporate Finance, Financial Modeling and Structuring for SBI Capital Markets, Godrej Industries, General Motors, Patni Computers, GVK, HDFC Standard Life, ILFS etc.
Gurudatta has around one and a half decades of extensive experience in Equity Research, Investment Advisory and Portfolio Management. Along with his entrepreneurial stint in initial phase of his working life (civil contract and interior designer), he has worked with reputed securities broking firms such as MotilalOswal and Almondz supporting proprietary Trading desks and clients such as Bank treasuries and Mutual funds.
His key competency areas are Training and Research. He used to be quoted in print media quite often and appeared on TV continuously between 2008 to 2010. His excellent communication skills and command over the basics of finance have taken him to various reputed platforms to share his knowledge – Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE), NISM and several prestigious Institutes including Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of management Studies (JBIMS), Government Law College (GLC) etc.
His academic qualifications include B.E Civil and ‘Certificate course on Capital Market’ from BSE Institute Limited.
Sumita Datta (PhD) is Managing Partner at Bridgit Nterprise LLP, an OD Consulting, Training and Coaching organization, concentrating on organizational capability building and leadership development. In addition, she is Associate Professor (adjunct) in the People &Performance area at S.P. Jain Institute for Management & Research, Mumbai. She is also SHRM India Master Facilitator. In independent capacity as well as a Senior Associate with Grow Talent and Great Place to Work, India, she successfully completed several assignments for medium and large corporate houses dealing with change management, vision & mission exercises, career transitioning, competency assessment, talent management, leadership development and other critical people interventions since July 2005. From July 2012till September 2013, she headed the Learning and Leadership Development function of Siemens (South Asia) based out of Mumbai, responsible for driving their talent strategy in the South Asia region through a robust Learning & Development landscape.
A Post Graduate in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations from XLRI Jamshedpur (1992) with academic Concentration in Organization Behaviour, she received her PhD. from IIT Bombay in2010. She is a certified MBTI, Saville, EQi 2.0 and NLP Practitioner. She is a certified Integral Coach of New Ventures West, USA and Associate Certified Coach from ICF. Prior to joining academics in 2009, Dr. Datta has had full time corporate experience of more than 15 years since 1992. As HR Manager in Eveready Industries (Nov. 1992 - Sep. 2000), she focused on post- acquisition cultural integration, Training & development, corporate restructuring among other operating responsibilities during her tenure. As Head HR- Corporate Centre, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.(July 2001 – June 2004) she acquired extensive experience in the areas of Organizational Change and Development, Resourcing, Performance Management, Compensation Management, HR Information System and HR support to incubating group companies.
In her academic role at S.P. Jain, Dr. Datta is actively engaged in evolving the organizational and family processes in the Family Managed Businesses, which have tremendous potential for growth. With special interest in enriching the role of women in the sphere of business, she conducts specialized programs for women leaders.
Dr. Datta has co-authored several scholarly articles in refereed journals such as Career Development International and IMR as well as International Conference Proceedings. Her research paper on Talent Development Climate, got acclaimed in the Best Paper Award (2012) category by the Academy of Management, Boston USA.
Ramu Shankarrao has over 23 years of experience in Healthcare industry with giants like Medtronic and St. Jude Medical. His last corporate assignment was with St. Jude Medical as Director of sales and marketing responsible for growing and managing the business and teams in South Asia. Subsequently, he had a short stint in academia with S. P. Jain Institute of management and Research, Mumbai for about 3.5 years teaching and researching in the area of sales, marketing and business plan.
He is the founder and Director of Sangatikarana Corporate Service Private Limited. In his current role, he works with companies to drive sales and marketing efforts, strategy and organization growth. He advises clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to family-owned business. He coaches business owners and professionals towards achieving the revenue and profit growth. He spends much of his time coaching senior leaders on how to align their teams for ultimate success.
He is a passionate trainer and has conducted training programs for companies like Covidien, Kimberly Clark, Medtronic, Cisco etc. By way of skill building programs, he helps companies build strong frontline sales team to SBU heads. He received his postgraduate and undergraduate degrees from Karnataka University.
Manish Bansal is an Entrepreneur, Investor, Author and Keynote Speaker. At present, he is CEO of SME Value Advisors, an investment and consulting firm, which partners with Emerging Corporates/SMEs to take them to the next level. Over last 20 years, he has worked with several reputed organizations such as Citibank, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India etc.
He has been a speaker in various programmes, both National and International, organized by distinguished institutions such as Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE), Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), Dun and Bradstreet (DnB), Credit Rating and Information Services India Ltd. (CRISIL), Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and various industry bodies such as FICCI, ASSOCHAM, CII etc.
He has also visited various prestigious Institutes including Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai and several others as a speaker. In addition, he has several publications to his credit including a book published by McGraw Hill– “Derivatives and Financial Innovation”.
Academically, he has done his M.S. in Business Administration from University of Maryland, U.S. He also holds other degrees like MBA, CFA and Licentiate in General Insurance.